The White Tiger legend was formed when Sterdekie (a twitch streamer) started playing PUBG and brought his feared Western Aggression to the Asian Servers. He quickly became known as The White Tiger after his dominating aggressive playstyle.
The White Tiger has struck fear into Asians across the lands.
by _Rat_ July 3, 2017
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A white redneck pimp. Generally a large southern man with a commanding presence. They secretly harbor a love for all things cat.
Look Toby is such a white tiger.
by Midget 1 May 19, 2011
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an act where a woman gives fellatio to a man, who in turn jerks off at woman's face, then she must swat the jizz away with her hands, giving the appearance of a tiger clawing.
"I had to white tiger that shit. That stuff will take your eye out."
by dego April 18, 2005
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A hardcore street Gang originating in the LHS and the northern virginia region. The gang is notorious for their firework and driveby attacks.Although the Tigers do not strike often, legend has it that any gang to enter tiger turf has been eliminated and never heard of again.
yo i saw a white tiger jackin a car last night.

damn those white tigers are hardcore i saw one flauntin a mac 10.
by derrybizzle April 4, 2008
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A fancier way of saying a heroin trip
Bill: "Where's John? He's supposed to be here..."
Sam:" He said he's off in seclusion"
Bill:"Seclusion? He's probably off in a hotel room somewhere riding the white tiger"
by Larryjerry March 11, 2017
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Being a beastly animal, you're the real deal. The manliest of men, the coolest of cool. Or at least you think you are.
"Damn bro that dude's the Real White Tiger."
"Yeah bro he's bad ass!"
by Dirt Runner April 6, 2016
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Word for cum
A: bro shut up or I’m gonna white Tiger you
B:yes but no homo
by Ifinnawhitetigeryou June 20, 2024
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