When a pipe, faucet, or water source breaks and leads to a lot of water on the ground.
Billy, did you break the sink? There's a Mexican Water Park in the kitchen.
by Russian Surprise December 20, 2016
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Coined by Garrett Jackson and Harrison Chase. Used to describe a drink that is nappy. Inspired by the disgusting water fountains at public parks.
"Sup bro! Grab a natty ice!"

"Natty Ice? That's fucking park water man, I brought Great White."
by Cut to the Chase December 4, 2009
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While having relations, the male pulls out, twists their penis and makes a motorbike sound while ejaculating.
by EL beau August 12, 2023
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The overall exhausted, eye burning flu like feelings after spending an entire day at a water park
"Hey, are you okay man? You don't look so hot."
"Yeah, I just got the water park flu is all."
by OcularBurns November 22, 2020
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Any chicken strip or chicken nugget that tastes like it came straight from your local shitty water park’s concession stand
“I’m such a picky eater man, I didn’t want to come to this Mexican spot.”
“Yeah bro, what are you even going to order?!”
“I’ll probably end up with some fuckin water park chicken tenders.”

“Everything about the meal was awful, from the frozen fries to the water park chicken tenders.”
by Birkin Lewen September 30, 2022
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