A cross between a Vagina and a Bitch.
Jesus Christ woman, why are you being such a Vitch today?
by Zowill April 14, 2011
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Person who identifies as being “vegan”. Negative connotation is implied.
Person A.

“ Don’t invite that vitch Karla to lunch.”
Person B
no problem! Karla turned into such a vitch I can’t stand to eat around her either !”
by Snowbabyk March 29, 2022
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Bitchy girl stalker with a sharp chin that thinks she "hella" belongs in "Cali"

The V indicates the sharpness of chin
That girl M is such a Vitch. Her chin is so sharp that it can impale you!
by Vitch Hater November 11, 2008
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better way to call your friend or something a bitch
"vitch, my penis is bend!!"
by stabby stabiliza September 2, 2006
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when u say something and u say just joking but u really mean it.
vinny says to hunter and jordan why can't you just be happy for me and then vinny says just joking and then gets called a vitch.
by tinjitsu February 22, 2008
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(noun) An alternative name for Lance Stroll (currently a Formula One driver for Aston Martin) made by RocketPoweredMohawk, a Formula One satirist.
"Stroll 23, 24, 25"
"Don't you mean Vitch Tits? He's only part of La Mision!"
by Gerald725DoubleBarrel March 14, 2023
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A tingle of the vagina when someone you gives you affection
Jeez baby you just gave me a Vitch Twitch
by Professor Callie January 23, 2020
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