(adj. derivative of ridiculous, ridicule) - used to describe something completely absurd that seeks to screw over an individual or group.
When big companies complain their taxes are too high to allow them to hire American workers, while taking advantage of tax loopholes that actually allow them to get money back and spending billions of dollars on political campaigns, it can only be described as ri-double-dick-ulous.
by Obama's Pimp Hand October 9, 2012
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an actor who is really realy bad and everyone knows it.
Jeff: Man, that actor on corrie last night was a fan-crap-ulous actor.
John: fan-crap-ulous actor?
Jeff: an actor who is really crap and speaks like that reader on the computer
John: oh i see. why the fuck were you watching corrie!
by Lee. K March 21, 2006
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One: To be so cock hungry, it's ridiculous (or ri-dick-ulous).
Two: To be extremely ridiculous and "suck dick."
One: Why do you want everyone's dick? It's ri-cock-ulous!
Two: These other definitions suck, it's ri-cock-ulous..
by someoneactuallyfunny September 8, 2009
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