Someone that is risky to have around because they are on the urge to blowing it. A person that you know will end up ruining a perfect situation.
Lets go hit on them girls, but leave Jon behind. When that kid drinks he becomes a time bomb.
by kevin kage March 2, 2011
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Refering to something regretful that will happen, where the only factor preventing it is time.
The stock exchange will crash again, it's a time bomb...
by Gumba Gumba February 25, 2004
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In an office enviroment where there is little background noise to cover the sound of a fart, the Time Bomb is used to cover the sound of ripping that office fart. At precisely the moment you rip ass, you cough or produce a fake sneeze that far overshadows the sound of the Cleveland Air Freshener you just blasted out of your ass. It is also possible to get a "God Bless You" out of a co-worker when you use the sneeze option to which a "Thank You" reply is always justified.
Dude 1: Shit man, that hot chick in the cube next to me will never go out with me if she hears me farting all day. Dude 2: Fuck man, just do a Time Bomb if you don't have time to get out of your cube.
by The CLE Steamer May 9, 2009
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Someone who is likely to get killed for reasons of acting out of person, being a total dick, etc.
Black Coat, White Shoes, Black Hat, Cadillac.....Yea, that boys a time bomb.

by Gunther December 17, 2004
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The act of rolling a sploofer( joint with tobacco ) then putting it into a bowl pice and surrounding it with more weed to keep it standing up. The you light the joint and rip it from the bong and wait til it gets to the weed then it will spark a fresh bowl at the bottom.
zach: "hey trynna burn"
alex: " yeah dude lets time bomb out of my new bong "
zach: " for sure dude lets do it"
by janetteoakleyV11 February 24, 2010
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Obscure drinking game which originated in New York City's East Village. The players must take a piece of cotton candy (preferably Charms' "Fluffy Stuff") and dip it in whiskey and put it in their mouths before the candy dissolves. The goal is not to grimace once your body recognizes that what you just put in your mouth is disgusting.
The chant goes as follows:
-"Time bomb... time bomb..." as the player descends the candy towards the whisky
-"tic,tic,tic,tic,tic,tic..." when the candy is dipped in the whisky and until...
-"BOOM!" when the player eventually makes a face because of the horrendous taste in his/her mouth.

If the player does not grimace after fully swallowing the candy, he/she is named reigning queen/king. Be careful, however, of 'repressing your booms' as this will lead to greater future booms.

'Super Time Bomb' is played without the help of hands. If the player drops the candy in the whiskey, he/she must "suffer the repercussions" and drink the whiskey.
"Time Bomb is like communion, only instead of eating the body of Christ or drinking his blood, you're eating his knuckle hair"
by TimeBombExpert May 1, 2010
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When a Man is so turned on that he knows as soon as his woman performs oral sex on him, it will be a quick and harsh orgasim in her mouth. Most of the time she is unaware that this is going to happen, and you give her no heads-up.
"damn, im so turned on, oh shit she started sucking my dick, its a time bomb now"
by d_RED_R November 6, 2006
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