A girl who takes a fart in an aerosol can and when something smells good/pleasant the girl will spray it with her aerosol canned farts. They also fart into their friends/own ovens to smell up the house with their farts.
Girl 1: It smells in here, did someone fart?
Girl 2: Yea, some mouse trap sprayed me with fart after I spritzed myself with perfume.
Girl 1: Bummer.
by TheRedLobsta March 7, 2011
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A cat, kitty, puddy, etc., that meows, purrs, and can be a pain in the ass sometimes.
Boots, my mouse trap, caught two mice within two hours of my bringing him home.

Why buy that spring contraption that only squashes your fingers when you can get a real mouse trap--Kitty?
by Stop the Pendulum May 26, 2005
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When you are performing docking with another man but put superglue inside the foreskin. After letting the glue settle a tug of war ensues.
Me and Peter Mormon mouse trapped one night in Salt Lake City. And I lost
by MormonMommy December 29, 2020
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When a guy lays on his stomach and a girl hovers her pelvic region above his face while giving him really amazing head. When he's about to come, he will tense up and not realizing, will shove his face into her ass. At this point, she will enthusiastically cut the cheese/drop the bomb and clamp her ass down on his face to ensure he gets a good whiff of her stench.

Commonly used as an act of revenge for previous sexual wrong doing.
"Last night, I thought my girlfriend had no hard feelings over the donkey punch I gave her the night before, because she was really going down on me hard, but I was wrong and I only found out when I started to come and totally got caught in an atomic mouse-trap, I've learned my lesson."
by Bowflecks April 8, 2009
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A 69 where the woman farts on the guys head as he is about to come and she slams her ass into his face to make sure he enjoys the smell. Even better if the girl accidentally shits. This tactic is usually revenge for a donkey punch, angry dragon, strawberry shortcake, or any other kind of bad sexual act by the guy.
My man thought it was funny to give me a strawberry shortcake, so I fuckin gave him an atomic mouse-trap to get back at him, I accidentally shit on him too.
by Rican Terrorist May 4, 2009
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An anxious, delusional mother who enjoins her child to behave by making fantastic claims about the likely consequences of her child's misbehavior. Like the board game Mouse Trap, her claims involve a series of improbable events, ending in disaster.
Mouse Trap Mom: Bobby, stop jumping around! The people in line are holding coffee, and if you bump into them, they are going to spill coffee all over your face, and then you'll be scarred for life, like Seal, except you won't be able to sing well, since you'll break your vocal chords when you cry from the hot coffee burns, so no girls will like you. Out of desperation you'll awkwardly start experimenting with guys. You'll get really drunk one night and have rough sex with a guy in a Chelsea bar and then your ass will be tore up like goatse. You'll never be able to shit right, again, so you'll have to stay away from beans and rice, which is a shame, because they would have prevented you from getting intestinal cancer. So you'll get it and die alone when you are 37. So stop fucking jumping around.
by nb c lo August 6, 2009
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