John Travolta is the biggest pimp in al time, he was pimpin in saturday night fever, but he was even more pimp in Grease, Pimp means a fashionable, trendsetter, person, mainly male
John Travolta is THE pimp!!!
by barkandhoney July 13, 2003
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Movie Cancer
Has the ability to ruin any movie he plays a part in.
"Looks like Travolta ruined another movie, he's fucking movie cancer that guy"
by Saboo January 19, 2005
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1. (noun) A condition that occurs in a certain percentage of human males whereby the face gradually and irreversibly widens with the advancing onset of middle-age, transforming a once devastatingly handsome specimen of masculinity into a bloated parody of its former glory. Also known as Laurence Fishburne Pumpkinhead Disorder or the Widening. There is no cure, nor does the physical fitness of the subject have any impact.
Leo DiCaprio seems to be suffering from a mild case of John Travolta Syndrome.
by pototatoe head February 16, 2011
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When a man hangs two to three soggy onion rings on his cock then receives oral sex or gives anal sex (using the grease as lube).
Dude! I gave my girlfriend a soggy John Travolta last night!
by SweatyPopsicle March 28, 2017
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To completely screw up someone's name.
Hey dude, did you hear? Apparently Mr. Crane totally John Travoltaed Suzy's last name at the award ceremony last night.
by Batman Namtab April 11, 2016
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Celebrating "John Travolta's Birthday" refers to any time you party too hard the night before you're supposed to be somewhere or do something important... thereby making that task much more difficult with a big hangover.
I would have been in much better shape for my hockey game today if I wasn't out celebrating John Travolta's Birthday last night.
by Stormchild72 December 26, 2016
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I’m sorry for raising my voice. It’s just if you don’t appease him quick he’ll get attached and you’ll never get rid of him. You can try everything, framing him for crimes, hiring hitmen, murder, forced containment but he never stops and never disappears. So just say yes.
Him: “Are you John Travolta?”
Bob: “Yes.”
Him: “Oh cool.”
by TheFloorIsALie November 7, 2023
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