64 is a term sometimes confused with 69.

When your child comes home and is like mom I need to talk to you. Then your child says mom I know what 64 means my friend taught me. Mom is thinking what? Then mom says back do you mean 69? The child says back yeah that's it.
Mom I learned what 64 was!
Do you mean 69?
by BigOopsieHehe September 14, 2019
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I used to have a 64. I sold it because games stopped coming out for it. Perhaps I should have kept it.
by The Return of Light Joker June 27, 2009
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Hook your 64 up, let's play some Goldeneye.
by Hof April 20, 2006
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While laying down-attempting to 69 with a midget, but since they can only reach just about less than half-way, they lick your belly-button and finish you off with their hand.
Strotman likes to 64 with midgets.
by mcol12 April 17, 2011
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a 64 ounce jug of olde english 800, discontinued in 95' after some bitch drank one and got alcohol poisoning and tried to sue o.e. , now the largest size availible is a 40
i drank a 64 in a half hour, and pissed all night long
by MATT "FILO" October 10, 2006
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An ounce of weed. Popularized by Minecraft where the stack limit is 64 blocks.
You: “hey man can I get an ounce?”
Every dealer ever: “what the fuck is that?”
You: “Ugh I mean 64 a full stack of blaze powder”
Every dealer ever:“LOL! You play Minecraft bro lol”
by Nukethewhales May 13, 2020
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The act of sixtynining in a with a chair involved.
Hey babe i think it is time we tried a 64.
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