A person who will always be your friend and someone u a Can trust. Taj will never be a fake friend. Also he has a huge dick and loves sex.
Taj is brilliant
by Dr.Eisenhower November 30, 2019
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A horny guy that always gets an orgasm while every other boys have a boner
That guy is the only boy without a boner but lots of cum, such a Taj
by IceCole May 9, 2019
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by Tallyb September 13, 2018
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100% of the time has a 13 inch by 6 inch dick(soft) while maintaining the best personality out of everyone else on this floating sphere. Any taj of this world deserves every kind of royalty out there.
“God taj is so sexy and knows the chemical compound of liquid Mercury
by Ladies hit me up July 1, 2021
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Tina tajed Jeff's back which sent chills down his spine
by Tim Moran Jon Szpot October 26, 2008
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Bella: Dude yo mommas so fat she could be the eighth continent.
Amy: What the hell man, thats my mom your talking about .
Bella: Damn Taj man! I was kidding!
by Amysauruss January 27, 2010
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Taj is a usually a very unique person and she is hard to find. She has a great sense of humor and is very smart. She has a lot of friends and is beautiful inside and out. She's loyal to everyone and is very trustworthy. She is very lucky to be in ones life.
by PEânüt BŪTter September 11, 2016
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