Chunky tree trunk. If you ever see him, run the other way. He’s so fat he could feed the entire continent of China. When he walks, it sounds like a storm of hippos.
I think Sylvester is coming, I can feel the ground shaking.
by Sylvester12345 July 21, 2018
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1. A character from the television show Glee; a particularly evil cheerleading coach whose single goal in life is to destroy the glee club.

2. The subject of a series of Chuck Norris-esque jokes.
Sue Sylvester doesn't have a "ctrl" button on her computer, Sue Sylvester is always in control. OR There is no such thing as natural selection, only things Sue Sylvester allows to live.
by Gleeful Jay October 18, 2009
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An equation that tells you exactly how many beers you would need to drink to make a conscious decision to sleep with a girl. Person using the equation must be sober.

10 - X = # of beers

where '10' is the maximum 'hotness' score a girl can recieve, 'X' is the score given to the girl (1-10). The subtraction yields the number of beers one needs to consume.

*note: a beer can also be replaced by a 1oz. shot or mixed drink equivalent to one ounce of alcohol (40% or greater)
(taking place at local bar/club/party)

GUY1: Hey man what do you think of that girl over by the bar?

GUY2: Man, I'd give her a 4 outta 10

GUY1: Yea she does look pretty beat. Well according to the Sylvester Equation I'm gunna need 6 beers before I try to get any.
by buffalo ny March 6, 2010
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Sue Sylvester is the coach of the cheerleading team at Mckinley High School and hates the Glee club because she thinks they are taking the funding away from her Cheerios. She especially does not like one Mr. Will Scuester, the Glee teacher and is always making fun of his hair, claiming whoever does his hair at whatever salon he spends all day at must hate him.
When considering what to get Sue for Christmas since he had drawn her name for Secret Santa, Will listed:
1.A Dog Robot
2.A Soul

By the way, EVERYONE got Sue Sylvester as their person for Secret Santa that year. She rigged it that way.
by MVgreen December 28, 2011
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Sylvester is one of the coolest cartoon characters of all time Sylvester has a very sloppy voice but Sylvester the cat isn't a character who gets what he wants he would starve get blown up and more he is mostly known because of tweety bird and speedy Gonzales but he also is known for being a coward that is scared of everything with porky pig just like Luigi from the mario series and he would also hang out with his son Sylvester Jr
Sylvester the cat is a cool cartoon character
by A strange hobo January 17, 2018
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Great actor, has done some great movies in his time such as the Rocky series, Cliffhanger, Demolition Man and who could forget Rambo, those are just some of his movies. Although a good actor he seems to be shrinking, don't ask me I just tell it like it is. Birth complications, caused by forceps, resulted in paralysis of the lower left side of his face, manifested by a perennial snarl and slurred speech. Most noticeable when he is yelling.
Sylvester Stallone is a good actor but I have no fucking clue why he was in spy kids 3.
by Oz January 18, 2005
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