When you jerk off and explode on your keyboard resulting in sticky fingers
I was watching a little Lisa Ann action and performed sticky fingers all over the place
by Gimaf May 17, 2012
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The result of fingering a girl (or boy) and not washing hands.
hey mate, guess who got some sticky fingers last night
by LACIGOL May 14, 2012
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A guy who fingers one girl, then hooks up with her while a different girl sucks on those same fingers
-"yo did you get any last night?"
-"yeah man you dont even wanna know. just call me sticky fingers."
by 12waffle34 January 18, 2011
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Hooking up with a guy for the sole purpose of stealing his belongings, especially things of value.
"Man, I did some hardcore sticky-fingering last night! I gave a guy a b.j. in the corner of the party and stole his cell phone, wallet, and iPod! I win!!"
by Chick with a Mission October 20, 2005
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The term used to describe the process of gathering the little pieces of weed or cocaine off of a table or counter top, for their use of a geeb or nummy.
"Hey man, do you mind if I get a "sticky fingers" on that table over there."

"Oh there goes Sketch again, he is always sticky fingering where I pack a bowl; just looking for enough to pack a geeb."
by geebinstine January 9, 2013
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The most hardcore rapper to ever release a track. Sticky fingers a member of the group Onyx was the first person to ever shoot that fag 50 cent. Also when Jam master Jay died and the chairty van was started they avoided sticky out of fear of him tagging the van with onyx. He also has some of the best lyrics to date
I had your whore on her knees gave her taste of life Yo bitch rather me my whore then your wife - Sticky Fingers from full Clip remix
by Rusty187 September 10, 2005
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e.g "her pussy is sticky" or "She's had her pipes cleaned". one person notorious for this is ash who is the sticky finger pimp!
by 1337357 May 22, 2005
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