A Greek male name with Italian origins, meaning Star (Stelar).
Also, the female version of Stela
The mad guy who owns EasyJet, EasyEverything, EasyCar.
Also I Greek singer (Stelios Kazantzides)
by Steve August 15, 2003
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Me:"Stelios Giannakopoulos is crap dude!"

Friend:" At least he's not as bad as Campo."

Me:" Meh, support Man U."
by Monkeyseat December 7, 2004
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A bad ass who will beat you like he's using the fists of god. Also works at Kinkos
"Why do you care how I get those oranges up the stairs? I can pay someone to bring them up for me. Just like I'm paying stelio kontos to kick your ass."
by JosephofSacramento April 28, 2010
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Stelios Gelekis is a major fag, he plays PlayStation and has an addiction to seeing a girl named Jessie Smith. He has no friends but has a big penis. People have a big tendency for Stelios' Large Cock, they only use him for his cock. Stelios Gelekis is legit a boring man that no one likes.
Girl 1: "Look it is Stelios Gelekis itching his balls,"
Girl 2: "That is hot, I wonder how big his penis is,"
Girl 1 "It is really big I heard,"

Girl 1: "That guy simps so hard for Jessie Smith"
Girl 2: "ikr, he is such a simp"
by JoeDamaFool November 1, 2021
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Stelios is the closest a human being has ever come to being God. But Stelios k is different. He is a God. He is the most attractive human ever walked on this earth. His son, georgio, is said to be attractive and funny too.
Student: what Stelios k is?

Teacher: stelios k is a God.

Techer: OMStelios k!
by Cambridge University October 26, 2019
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A the most attractive guy in the word with a huge dick and a lot of girls around him everyone want to be liked Stelios

I want to let stelios destroy my pussy
by Greekhotttyyyy November 24, 2021
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The name stelios is used mostly in Greece and it's referring to a guy with Greek god physique and the is the biggest party animal out there.Also he trips pretty often cause he or someone else steps on his enormous dick.
-Careful you almost stepped on stelios dick again!
-sorry stelios my bad
by Stelios da boy November 22, 2021
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