remarkable, exquisite, glorious, awesome, smooth, bodacious, fine, tremendous, pulchritudinous
"WOW - you are looking stealth. I'd love a piece!"

"That route was stealth - glorious moves!"

"You've been stealthed!"


by gerryc May 6, 2012
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To fuck "safe" intentionally with a faulty condom - therefore end result is a bare fuck with the receiver under the impression a condom is fully intact during intercourse to climax.
The boy told me he plays safe only so i put on a condom with the tip bitten off . stealthing makes refutting raw sex a win win scenario...

him raw regardless without him knowing...
by Dirtyowl December 16, 2016
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to surprise someone or sneak up on them. can be intentional or unintentional. to fly undetected on the radar.
Be careful if you stealth someone, they may be talking about you.
by byrdwag July 13, 2007
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Removal of a condom during sexual/homosexual intercourse without mutual awareness.
The man was condemned for a 'stealthing' incident.
by Jamie0101 May 21, 2017
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noun; game played in complete and total darkness. A spin-off of the classic game tag accept with more bad ass. Players sneak around in the dark to try and "stealth" the opponents by giving a quick jab of the hand into any part of the body and proclaiming a loud "SKUHH" originally pronounced "skill". Often times players will take off articles of clothing in order to achieve a higher ability to stealth opponents.
"We played a sick ass game of stealth last night... i was naked. Bob one with a score of 27."
by peter crumpintime April 26, 2008
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1. Military aircraft.
2. To move silently (aka. quite warfare). Commonly used by pedophiles to lure children as well as by outnumbered hobomen to kill attacking youth gangs.
Hobo 1: I killed a gang last night for fun.
Hobo 2: you inspired me, I think I will use stealth tonight as well to kill a youth gang.

Pedo: I invented the art of stealth so that I could catch kids easier.
by DeanNJ March 19, 2007
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When you are jerking off while in discord with your friends.
Bro we were in discord the other day and I had the urge. You guys didnt know but I was stealthing it to midget porn.
by IwearRompers July 15, 2022
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