Stacey is an intelligent girl that loves to paint. She's very kind but she can be a little bit clumsy. She is beautiful and everyone loves her.
by Kitty Choco Delight January 24, 2019
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a girl from a small connecticut town, shes the most down to earth and caring girl ive ever met. a true country girl through and through, defiantly wife material. i cant believe i didn't see it back in high school
guy 1: whos that
guy 2: thats stacey, i should have been with her in highschool but i didnt aprroach her
by 6597-567665464575 May 28, 2017
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stacey is one evil backstabbing b*tch
she is LGBTQ
and is the worst friend ever

never trust her with anything
always hate a stacey!
if you ever let her into your life she will steal your bf plus shes lesbian so how tf does that even work!?

agh the hate i have for her is unreal!

i wish she should just stay out of my life

she broke my heart so many times because of all the things she messed up with!

everyone: *runs and hides*

by you got it guys! x kt September 12, 2022
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Stacey is the epitome of a mingah.
A Stacey can often be found wondering the headlands of the Northern Beaches with the magical ladybug and her fellow smelly passenger that loves her like a fat kid loves cake. None the less she is simply beautiful inside and out. ♥
Unfortunately for the Stacey she collected this passenger at a rough point in time with a rather interesting introduction but now she's stuck with her. This little cling-on loves her dearly though and would do almost anything for her ♥
Sadly, some Stacey's don't quite realise how amazing they are and this leads to some upsetting moments. The cling-on will always reminds her of her importance and amazingfullness despite how much she thinks the Stacey will actually take it in..
Overall a Stacey is an amazing and absolutely beautiful person that this cling-on is so glad to have found and couldn't go without anymore (: ♥
by Tealeaf ♥ November 25, 2013
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Procrastinating. Putting off until tomorrow what should be done today.
1) My teacher has been staceying grading my homework.
by Scott aka Bob January 8, 2009
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She’s the kind of girl anyone can get along with. She’s hysterical, quick witted, gorgeous, funny, hilarious, great joke teller, beautiful, so dang pretty, also has killer dance moves. She’ll seduce you with her humor and her great jokes and she’ll also except your jokes about her whiteness and racism.
I love working with Stacey
by Yecatslove September 29, 2020
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A country girl at heart that loves music and is good at her school work. She is quiet and hardly ever shows her feelings. She picks her friends wisely, and only has a few she really trusts.
She never talks, she reminds me of a stacey
by Anonymous790 May 15, 2013
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