To move in an impaired way as a result of being intoxicated. Could be stumbling, crawling, or a slow jog to the bathroom.
"So then I squabbled up to Jen and spit some mad drunken game at her at the party." or "I was strugglin', I barely squabbled to the bathroom before I threw up."
by shakuu September 24, 2006
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A Cheap knockoff of Shacknews.
I got banned from The Shack, so now I post on Squabble.
by Gary Goatse January 25, 2003
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A group of thots, usually found in a mall shoplifting or drunk at a club.
Call security, a squabble just walked in...
by Jackie Daytona August 29, 2020
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A gang, or the grouping, of the mentally slow, stupid and burn-outs. Usually led by a Grand Master
Crungo: Do you wanna Bung with the Squabble today?
Scrungo: I can't today. I have to work
by Mosomiketa January 1, 2019
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Those little tiny farts you have in a row, right before you take either a large dump or some wet diarrhea
Dude, I think I'm gonna shit my pants, I just had squabbles.
by pseudonynn May 13, 2014
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