Sits at home all day and plays Xbox and avoids friends. They also tend to not want to go out with anyone and when you ask them, they give lame excuses. For some reason they love the vowel E and also the letter Q. Grow creatures underneath their neck. Wear glasses. Sommer's say love me a lot as well.
"Sommer, you wanna hang out this weekend?"

"Um no, I have to watch my CATS!"

Hey Sommer, you want to go out tonight?"

I'm sorry, but I am making a grilled cheese and I got a contusion from it."
by Are we MoonMen? November 10, 2010
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adj. Fat, slow, and unathletic. One who is not inclined to perform physical activity.
That guy plays fantasy football on his computer because he's such a sommer
by Smack King October 19, 2006
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A girl who appears different from others. She's beautiful, smart, funny, and will be the best friend you can ever have. If you ever fall for a Sommer they are usually hard to get. They don't put out for you right away leaving you to wanting more. ( sometimes the CEO of being a tease ) If you ever get a Sommer don't let her go they are very loyal and loving and honest. Sommer's are very athletic, strong, smart, adn don't give a fuck about what people think. But don't ever mess with them because like I said they are very strong and can whoop yo a**. Sommer's are loved by everyone, and will always be there for you no matter what. Sommer's tend to put your happiness before their own.
by lollipop79434 March 31, 2020
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Sommer is a hoe she likes every boy that breaths and has 40 different personalities when you talk to her
by her fav ex November 5, 2019
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She likes gay people,she’s beautiful,a brunette,nice, very funny, likes her ps4 and all of her games, sticks up for her friends
Wow sommer is so beautiful

I want a friend like sommer
by Heaveng09 March 22, 2018
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beautiful sexy all around amazing girl she will be down with whatever you want to do and will make you smile all the time and loves to kiss her man
sommer is so hot i wish she was my girl
by Antoniooooooooo April 22, 2010
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