The sludge left behind by a girl after a night of sexual activity. The girl is often not the brightest or prettiest and is usually (but not always) riddled with AIDS or several other various STDs.
1. I've just seen your bedroom, that girl you brought back last night slatched everywhere!

2. "What smells?" "I've got that girls slatch all over my fingers, it stinks"
by Taggy123 May 23, 2011
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a slap with a scratch attached to it.
She was so wasted on red bull and vodkas she tried to slap her ex in the face and he caught her nail instead, it was a wicked slatch.
by who did that December 6, 2007
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V. as in " to slatch". Slatching occurs when it gets to the messy end of a night and options for sex become limited. That's when you decide to slatch someone. An amalgam of the words "latch" and "slut" it refers to the process of picking out the sluttiest looking girl in the bar/nightclub/parking lot and attaching yourself to her, ie you "latch onto a slut"
'See that chick over there with her boob half hanging out, I am so going to slatch her"
by Riverboat Crew April 20, 2012
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A Slatch is what you'd call your friend when they're not thinking before an action.
Guy 1: I Just locked my keys inside my car and can't get them out!
Guy 2: You're such a slatch!
by EthiliumD July 25, 2023
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In the English language, the word slatch is an ethnic slur used against Caucasian people, commonly used as a "whats-up" term used among caucasions.
"You're a f*cking slatch!"
by Official English Dictionary 8 December 4, 2022
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