Doing something Skeevy, or giving someone the Skeeves i.e. something creepy or gross.
He was totally skeeving on her facebook pictures.

Staring at someone while touching yourself.
by Eric B 4 Pres May 18, 2009
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(Noun) A slang term used when referencing someone who is distastetful and/or uncomplimentary of the kind of person the user would hold in regard. Whom this describes is entirely based on opinion of said user.
Person 1: "Hey... remember that kid 'So-and-So' from high school?"
Person 2: "Heh, Yes. I hated him. He was such a Skeeve."
by A. King. August 17, 2006
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To make your skin crawl; evokes feelings of uneasiness
Just seeing the suspected kidnapper on the television skeeves me; Watching her talk to that creep makes me skeeve.
by Fedgurly March 27, 2011
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V. When someone, usually a bitch girl, is in a group setting and conitinues to electronically message and whisper to her other bitch friends that are also skeevers. They stay alone in the corner and do not participate in the group in any way, shape or form. They feel as though they are superior to the fellow bitches of the room. However, they are mistaken. Skeevers have no true friends and remain so prude that they will never experience a happy moment in their dying and pitiful excuses for lives. This is otherwise seen as a common practice by the prudest bitches to sadly show thier faces to other people that are so fed up with thier skeeving actions.

WARNING: Any attention or drunk hook up with these girls will result in immediate spread and expansion of the skeeving problem because they crave attention and usually fake drunkeness in order to perpetuate thier self image that is so incredibly wrong it is unbelievable.
That party last night blew ass chunks because those skeeving bitches wouldnt stop messaging each other and gossiping about thier boring lives.
by Anti-skeeving Boyz May 28, 2010
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a woman of loose virtue that is extremely like to perform a sexual act on any individual who pays her attention. The term is derived from the Italian "schifosa", the feminine form of the word for disgusting.
"Yo bro, check those skeeves who just rolled up"

"I had to stop dating her, turns out she was a skeeve"

Our goal for the evening was to pick up some skeeves
by Ciccio_454 August 9, 2011
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An extremely repulsive and nerd like person. Other forms are skeevatz,exclamation; skeevy (adverb)as in "he is so skeevy", skeeved out (verb) as in "I am skeeved out".
Someone that wears socks with sandals, constantly complains and has the need to tell you every bodily function and ailment, a person that makes your skin crawl at the thought of touching you.
by Alison Buzzotta July 4, 2003
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Describes the state of being skeeved out. Usually results from associating with or being in the vicinity of a person or thing considered to be skeevy.
Trisha: "Let's get out of here, Richard gives me the skeeves."
by vaeren August 2, 2008
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