She's the cutest, most adorable, most stunning, the most precious and the most gorgeous human ever. She's perfect.
Hey, look at her, she's so cute, it's like she's Mannat Sharma.
by Koalakinna October 14, 2021
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A magical Power that is inherited after one earns the last name of a Sharma. Its a power that charms others and allows the Sharmas to take control of their lives by persuading others for their own interests.
Example 1:

Friend 1: Is that the guy who picked up that foxy from the club other night?

Friend 2: Yea!!, He has Sharma Charma
by smart child May 16, 2009
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The most badass pebble wrestler of the Universe. The rock whisperer. The rock climber that single-handedly changed the climbing industry. The man we wish we could be. He is the Rock NAVY Seal. The Chuck Norris of climbing, he makes the rocks come to him. Ok so he is a BAMF, end of story!
If you Chris Sharma the rock, the rock will do what you say.
by Dale Yeah January 30, 2010
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When, at the completion of intercourse, the male party attempts to arise to dispose of semen on his torso, the female counterpart then, without warning, abruptly begins aggressively licking off sed liquid as a means of cleaning up.
White College Basketball Wash-Up: "Oh shit I just came. My bad, I usually last more than just forty-five seconds. I'm normally more of a half-hour sex-haver."
~Proceeds to get up and look for a towel~
Thot: "Stop! Let me give you The Sharma Shlurp!"
by Blooodles69 May 10, 2022
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Shreya Sharma is a word used to describe a special person who makes everyone around her smile. She also radiates a very positive energy. She is extremely caring and is very understanding. She will especially go out of her way to put a smile on someones face. No matter what, she always manages to pull herself up through any situation because of how strong she is, and inspires others to be like her. Shreya is the definition of confidence!

I want all Shreya Sharma's to know that they are truly loved and appreciated by the people around them :)
damnnnnnnnnnnn is that Shreya Sharma, I cant take my eyes off her ;)
I had a very bad day but then I talked to Shreya Sharma

I wish Shreya Sharma was my girlfriend
by symbiroomie January 15, 2021
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he is gay and a perv who runs pathways and he spanks kids when they dont have id card
rajiv sharma big gay
by raju69 January 16, 2019
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A village ram from saa wah Trinidad. Someome who has a wife but is also with her sister.
by Ramsingh June 15, 2017
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