Irritating pest who always wants something from you. From the expression "you're scorching my balls"
That scorch keeps calling me every half hour.
by Giselle May 20, 2005
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GENDER NEUTRAL ACTOR 1: "dude i was going to go to your party but i got hella scorched and watched youtube videos of cats instead."

GENDER NEUTRAL ACTOR 2: "whatever man fuck you, check into a program already."
by djjohnnybro November 12, 2009
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An adjective for a situation that is intense or rising in intensity.
You see someone approaching a person to confront them. The appropriate reaction would be -SCORCH!!--
by Carlaylio May 29, 2014
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basically high as fuck to the point that you shit yourself and dont care
FUCK!! im scorched this is good shit
by jdewitt97 May 19, 2010
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Universal Word, often used after a dis. Used often (and poularized) by Daniel (Last Name Omitted By Author). Extremely annoying and pointless. Said in a stupid voice. Commonly used in Seattle. DO NOT SAY UNLESS IN EMERGENCY...
I may be sort of annoying, but at least I'm not a metro emo! Scorch!
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the act of performing anal sex so rough that recepient of the anal pleasure's asshole bleeds.
Vincent scorched Lucy so hard that her asshole did not stop bleeding for three days.
by mcdodoates October 4, 2009
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A term to describe the most powerful hot fart that can possibly be produced by an living being. It has a half life of 3 months and can be described as "invisible fog".
by words o choice December 4, 2005
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