To thump one in the head with one's penis.
Gary was unknowingly schmeckled after falling asleep at a party.
by Devon muthafuckin dahlke June 17, 2004
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Big long hairy thing that gets the tip cut off at a briss. (See Penis)
Well we had better go cut off his schmeckle
by Mislead1312 July 19, 2005
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The spring inside of a pen, a well known currency.
Daaaaannnnggggg! thats a lot of schmeckle! YOU be drippin
by the real dave12 January 30, 2020
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the last bits of weed in the bottom of the bowl, not enough for a cone
"hey bro is there any more chop?"
"nah bruh , only a schmeckle"
by boonce February 3, 2017
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Another creative word for; External Genitalia, Penis, Willy and others.
by j.w.g7masi October 17, 2014
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Bentley Schmeckle is a currency that currently sits at .004% value of the US Dollar. One Bentley Schmeckle is typically used for a singular vape hit.
Ty Brock spent one Bentley Schmeckle to hit the vape.
by Bama.Wave June 26, 2023
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