SDS = Storm Deprivation Syndrome.

A condition often afflicting a seasoned storm chaser who have become accustom to routine sightings of severe weather and then deprived of it for a period exceeding expectation. It often results in irritability, non-rational thoughts, and teenage like drama. It is most often found with tornado chasers but can be found in hurricane chasers and snow weenies. It is mostly found in the off seasons of the weather event, but also can be prolonged for years if said chaser is not actively chasing season after season.

Posting online, in forums, facebook, etc. is known to inflame the situation.

The only known cures are to resume chase storms or getting laid.
“That closed low on the GFS is looking sweet.”
“Chill dude, you got SDS if you think the GFS at 240 hours out is reliable”

“Stuck at the office looking at the streaming video is giving me severe SDS”.
by WeatherWarrior October 3, 2013
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Acronym for Sweet dude, Sweet.

A saying after someone says something pointless.
Dude 1 tries to explain the usage of Under Armor.

Dude#1: Oh and fyi under armor is use to wick moisture away from the body which really enhances our body's temperature regulation ability. Making your body cool in hot weather and warm in cold weather, also when the body is active it keeps the muscles warmer so that you have less chances of pulling something.

Dude #2: K. SDS, man.
by NeilioismasteratSDS November 20, 2009
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Shitty Dick Syndrome.

1. After cumming during anal sex, you pull out just to get a shitty surprise all over your dick.
Guy 1: Bro I was fucking this chick in the ass and when I pulled out it was just gruesome! There was shit everywhere!!
Guy 2: Awww this dude got SDS
Guy 1: What's SDS?
Guy 2: Shitty dick syndrome!!
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Sleep Deprivation Squad
A bunch of chimps who decide it's a good idea to stay up too late talking about random things for reasons unknown to all.
Sane human being: Why are you so tired?
Moron: Cos SDS is life
by SDS Coorporated June 26, 2020
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Abbreviation for "some didn't send". Used on Snapchat when not all of your streaks send.
by JohnnyMalooly June 8, 2017
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Spontaneous Downs Syndrome. The act of spontaneously acquiring the known disorder: Downs Syndrome!
Dude, Steve is being a total retard!" "He must have SDS!
by BikeMill March 18, 2011
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Acronym for Same Dick Syndrome

A condition where one is tired of having sex with the same man. The only known cure is to replace and repeat
Damn that girl is all over those guys isn't she married. She must be suffering from SDS.
by krakorjak February 1, 2011
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