An expression of uncontrolled relentless agitation and anger which comes out vocally as RAA as loud as one can for the sole purpose of trolling a RAAA! nia
Abs : Man whose that girl next to fiona?
David : RAA!
Abs : nia
by Father Of Aesthetics July 27, 2015
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This word originated in Rochester, England in the early summer of 2004. The word was used after "Ra" by Ebony dubsters (Drum n Bass tune) became popular here. The word Raa (pronounced normally with very little effort used in the aaaa part, said best if stoned) has since been used in the place of the word cool or to show that something is good or liked.
1: Dude, check out my bong!
2: Oh raaa!
by Dave October 23, 2004
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Raa - A very slow thinking teenager who has spent to much time on the bong. He also enjoy's eating, sleeping, harassing neighbours, holding his dick, and laughing at retards.
Raa- Hey dude, pass me that bong!
Johnny- Thats a cat.
Raa- Can you smoke it?
Johnny- Dude. Your fucked.
by ilovecanada123 June 8, 2011
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When some ting's really 'bussin'' as lots of mandem would say innit

Can also be used instead of stuff like 'lessgooo'
Bruv 1: Just got some fresh kicks, Nike's an' all dat
Bruv 2: Bruv dat's raa ting y'knuh


Bruv 1: Some lads over there jus said the mandem at the chicken an chip shop are passin free grub

Bruv 2: Raa tingggg!!!!!!!! Nah cause we gotta book it there righ' now I'm saying it straight bruv
by thatonebruvatcosta August 22, 2022
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The greatest two words known to mankind. Imported by the greatest user to ever grace LUE2, it is a tribute to Packing Heat and the glory days of GameFAQs. Raa Mule cannot be defined as only one thing; however, they will forever be the most important two words anyone will say.
by Porc May 13, 2005
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