A five to ten minute nap during a night of hard partying to revive your energy and party on.
"Is Diego passed out?.."Nah man, he is just taking a quick power nap"

"I just need a power nap and I'll be good"
by Kymberli April 24, 2007
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A power nap is a means to continue through your tough day by taking naps at 20 minute intervals AT MOST. in fact it is what keeps you going during pledging. if you sleep any more than 20 minutes you might as well call it quits.`
Yo I'm gonna catch a quick power nap. I'll hit you up in 20.
by Meltz June 17, 2006
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people who are generally better than your average human don't sleep........they power nap!
superman doesn't sleep! he power naps!!
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To tell your mum your going to have a power nap, often after a meal, when your actually going to have a wank
I'm going to have a power nap now mum see you in 20 minutes
by saxydave69 October 30, 2007
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A type of nap (best when aided by PowerNap) that lasts about 20 minutes, and is extremely refreshing.
Hey, man, look at that awesome guy over there! He is taking a Power Nap with his brand new PowerNap! I'm so jealous!
by Asod001 June 8, 2009
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sleeping on top of someone that is weaker than you
joey: "hey get off of me"
steve: "shut up im trying to power nap here"
by huaaaaa September 12, 2008
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A twenty to thiry minute nap that takes place in the midst of a party, after which the napper wakes, looks around and launches him/herself right back into the boozing.
Man; Dude, you totally Z'd out at the party last night.

Dude; Pft. It was a Power Nap, man!
by Linda Amos June 14, 2008
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