Used to show that person that what they are asking,saying, trying to do, or doing is complete retard and unresonable in your opinion.
Person 1:"Give me $25"
Person 2:Bitch please
by mirgine December 27, 2007
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expression used when a douche bag says something untrue, unacceptable, or just plain stupid.
"are your titties real?"
"bitch please!"
by Margaret November 17, 2004
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A phrase used to begin sentences, usually by divas. Implies disagreement to the previous sentence.
Bobbi : I can ride camels with two humps.
Shequila : Bitch please, you can't even handle one hump.
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a word you say to your ex after she wants you back.
can i have you back

bitch please
by stupoddd July 18, 2019
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Used to demonstrate ones apathy at being asked an offensive question.
Hoe:"Are you sure you haven't had enough?"
Baller:"Bitch please!"
by Banj December 21, 2004
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a phrase to respond with when you're being pissed off by a bitch.
bitch:"girl you aint got nothing"
you:"Bitch Please"
by Lydia from NY January 24, 2006
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A word used when someone says something stupid or something like that.
The Walking Dead(lol i love it I can't help it)

Carl (little 8 year old boy) - Dad, the walkers(zombies) look so scary I'm so scared!!!

Rick (Carl's daddy) - Bitch please.
by SomeDude2003 February 10, 2014
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