7 definitions by mirgine

psh please

sometimes used to show that what the person is saying, doing, trying to do,or asking is complete unresonable on your standards or is juat not happening.
person 1:By me this Armani bag
Person 2: psh please
by mirgine December 27, 2007
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Person 1:"did you do the homework?"
Person 2:Yeah I am going to fintish in class"
by mirgine December 27, 2007
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wats hennenin

another way of saing what happening.
hey wats hennenin!?!?!?!?
by mirgine December 27, 2007
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nigga please

showing that what ever the (black) person is asking,doing, trying to do, or saying is completely unresonable,retarded, messed up, or is just not going to happen upon your standards.

Should ONLY be used if you are black and if the person you are directing it to is also black.
Person 1:I'm gonna make more money than you.
Person 2:Nigga PLEASE!
by mirgine December 27, 2007
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some times used to show amusement.
sometimes used to show that what the person is saying, doing, trying to do,or asking is complete unresonable on your standards.
Person 1:I am going to make the honor roles
Person 2:HA!
by mirgine December 27, 2007
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A transition from one subject to another. Sort of like anyway, but differnt.
by mirgine December 27, 2007
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bitch please

Used to show that person that what they are asking,saying, trying to do, or doing is complete retard and unresonable in your opinion.
Person 1:"Give me $25"
Person 2:Bitch please
by mirgine December 27, 2007
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