That guy was getting fucked by a horse he is such a peps
by 6696969696969 April 2, 2019
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Progressive Except for/on Palestine; a liberal Zionist
Bill Maher is a PEP.
by fountouki May 25, 2012
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To disappear when needed, but to have tunnel vision when trying to avoid conflict.

Especially on League of Legends.
Person M: I need a heal! where's our healer?!
Person D: DUDE, HE PEP'D US.
Person M: Dammit pep..
by h0wam1s0g0dly October 4, 2011
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girl with giant pepperoni sized nipples
dude that girl has some giant peps
by mr.diggy17 March 28, 2012
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Pretty Enough for Porn. A girl who is not really beautiful, but is serviceable and has a knock out body, therefore making her suitable Porn Star material.
Jessica Simpson has big teeth, but she's PEP.

by boiler_92 June 20, 2006
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PEP is medication that is used to help stop the infection and transmission of AIDS or HIV within a 72 hour window period of coming into contact with AIDS or HIV. See One night stands.

PEP is a month-long course of drugs that, if taken within 72 hours of the HIV virus entering the body, can prevent a person becoming infected with HIV. The PEP drugs are the same drugs that people who have the HIV virus use to reduce its impact on the body.

PEP is short for Post Exposure Prophylaxis.

Post = after

Exposure = a situation where HIV enters someone's body (eg: during unprotected fucking or by sharing needles etc)

Prophylaxis = treatment for disease
I was totally wasted and high on drugs the other night and had unprotected sex with a couple of guys from the club.

I better get down to the clinic and go on PEP just in case I caught The Big A (AIDS or HIV).

Better to be safe than sorry?
by The Moody Poet October 29, 2006
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The extremely large nipple located on the chest. also refered to as pepperoni nipples.
That guys got PEPS!!!!
by EvvsaucE July 3, 2004
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