1. Goodbye
2. (intransitive verb) to leave or retire
3. (transitive verb) to kill

Note: I only heard the third meaning recently, but I thought it was pretty funny so I've included it.
1. "Yeah, see you then, peace out."
2. "Yo I gotta peace out, I'm tired."
3. "I just peaced out that spider with my shoe."
by Anonymous October 20, 2003
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A very informal goodbye greeting; 'see you later'. Sometimes used in an ironic fashion for goodbyes that should be more serious, i.e. the recipient dying, being killed, defeated, or left behind.
Peace out, Holmes. Catch you on the flipside.
by Jeema November 9, 2005
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Goodbye. Often a source of confusion among whites from different parts of the U.S.
Indiana Bob: "Mike, did you spec that piece out to .05 inches?"
Mike from NYC: "Damn straight...peace out in da oh-five, bitches!"
by edelweiss January 4, 2005
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Term used to encourage military members to become conscienous objectors "peace" and get "out" of the military. Started during the Viet Nam War by "Peaceniks" and hippies. Turned into a term for saying goodbye, used primarily within ethnic groups. Has been receiving renew popularity because of the U.S.s involvement in yet another unpopular war.
by Rick Hale August 11, 2006
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The term "Peace" originated in the "1950's-1960's" but the phrase "Peace Out" originated in the Hip Hop Community in 1988-1992. people were wearing peace symbols on their clothing or wearing necklaces as a fashion statement. and saying "Peace Out" to say "goodbye."
My time has ended here... Peace Out!
by ErkTheJerk July 23, 2023
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an informal "ghetto" closing comment. often used on the wrong side of the tracks.
peace out fooo! i've gotta hit up the clubs.
by megan fo rizzle. November 20, 2005
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