an acronym for 'peanut butter' or when something is the opposite of jelly

i.e when something is suspect (suss) or lacking swag on a dime.

G-pa: Yo man, that girl that came to class didnt even brush her hair like. Shes lookin real dirt wit dat nappy hair and yellow teeth

Puff: Eww, PB! PB!

G-Pa: Word, straight peanut butter minus the jellay.
by SuperPuff April 5, 2010
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As in the Public Broadcasting System. Americans owe a debt of gratitude for PBS for the quality television they have delivered over the decades.

PBS today DOES have commercials. Don't let them tell you different. Every program is now sponsored by several companies or "made possible by" and then there is a "commercial" for said companies, or organizations.

This did not used to be the case. Also, the pledge drives tend to go on "all year" now, or a lot more now than they did years ago. Every time a pledge drive starts, our local PBS breaks out the "cooler" shows or special shows to "lure" newbies in making us; the ones' who donate our money like clockwork, even more angry and annoyed.

Aside from some politics, and the misnomer that PBS is commercial free; it is a station that is a part of all of us, and sadly isn't watched by more of us.
"Ughh....just trying to watch PBS Newshour, there is about four minutes of "commercials" before the program starts...I thought PBS was supposed to be commercial free???"

"What? WHY are they interrupting Nova for a 'break' to remind us and ask us for more money? Didn't they just have a pledge drive two months ago?"

"Awesome 'Grateful Dead' concert from 1975 was on PBS last night, too bad they ruined it with three "station breaks" to ask for more money, and they only show programs like this when it's time to ask for more money."
by blutowski December 6, 2012
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What our minds once were until fire became a fun thing.
I'm a PBS mind, in an MTV world.
by Phatal July 12, 2003
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Short for Peanut Butter Spoon, a snack mainly used by college students and possibly obsessively fit people when you need a snack but poor shopping habits have left you with nothing but condiments and toppings. As such one is then forced to pull out a spoon, scoop up some peanut butter from the jar, and enjoy that spoonful to the fullest.
Roommate 1: What's up?
Roommate 2: PBS time
Roommate 1: Go for it man
Roommate 2: I'm glad I live in a PBS judgement free apartment
by S31 November 10, 2012
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The atomic symbol for Lead; a soft, malleable, ductile, bluish-white, dense metallic element, extracted chiefly from galena and used in containers and pipes for corrosives, solder and type metal, bullets, radiation shielding, paints, and antiknock compounds.

Lead (Pb) is another word for the bullets that you put into, and shoot out of a gun.
I like to make Pb sandwiches.

I opened fire with my MP5k and filled the fool full of Pb.
by Kenthar April 16, 2004
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