Almost like "Whoa, cool"
"check my new shoes"

"guess which hardcore kid just wagged school?"
by Kirstieketchup May 7, 2008
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The most potent kush known in goatdale. Some say it’s more powerful than moonrocks.
“Hey! look at B DOUBLE D and Gucci Gerb ooshing over there! Thats some stinky oosh!”
by ooshdragon551 December 8, 2017
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Mike: Yo, let’s do something tonight.

Jack: Fuck yea, I wanna get ooshed.
by ChabaLaFeta April 28, 2018
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Adjective- meaning something is of poor quality or disappointing

popularized heavily by chaminade college school in north york

Also can be used to describe one's performance
Dude, you see dan's girlfriend at that party? she used to be hot but now she's oosh!

Bro how'd you do in your game last night?

I ooshed it bro
by mikey-rose March 2, 2009
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An expression used when someone is emotionally or physically hit hard by something physical or non physical.
"Oh s**t, you just got OOSHED"
by BinG0_o May 30, 2018
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