When you’re on your period & your boyfriend fucks you silly, proceeding to clean you out & get blood all over his sheets. Immediately after he cums & gets up he yells at you not to get blood on his pillow. Several months later while drunk, he brings this up, accusing you of bleeding all over his pillows & blankets on purpose & tells you that you are disrespectful for ruining his sheets.
“That guy is a real dick, I bet he is a Dirty DayDay...”
by Dirty Day-Day April 30, 2020
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While eating the booty like groceries, your partner fails to mention the Taco Bell that they ate earlier, which has caused them to have bubble guts, mid intercourse. This leads to a volcanic eruption of feces that covers a great portion of your body & also gets all over the sheets. After showering & changing your bedding, you head back to bed falling asleep for the night. You wake up the following morning realizing you have slept through your alarm clock & are now late for work. Knowing that you took a shower before bed, you quickly get ready and rush off to work. While at work, a co-worker approaches you to let you know that you have something stuck to the back of your neck. You proceed to feel the back of your neck & notice a dry flake that you pick off. While examining it you realize this is dry feces that you must have missed from the night before. Before you can discretely dispose of the dried feces flake, your coworker realizes what it is & loudly announces “IS THAT SHIT?!?”. You being caught off guard & trying save face, quickly blurt out that it happened during sex, this leads to you being known as the “poop sex guy” at your work now.
Eww! That guy smells like shit!”
“He must be having a dirty DayDay.”
by Dirty Day-Day April 30, 2020
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A guy with the smallest peen! He’s good with girls but not in the bed 😬
Omg that guy is such a dayday
by Hsjsnsksns September 13, 2019
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DayDay means to be insanely good at something
I am DayDay at video games.
by SuperDave66 June 22, 2023
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Dayday is amazing friend that you can always count on but she has really bad taste in movies
dayday: Hello
YOu: not thirteen the musical again
by WOWOWWO April 27, 2023
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