Nathalia is the sweetest thing to ever have existed. She's a kind soul who loves to make people smile and she never, ever makes anyone sad. She's hardworking, a fierce friend, and a bitch to deal with if you get on her bad side. She's got trauma, but nothing you can't adjust to. Nathalia is a rare ass gem, so you better treat her like one, or else her friends are going to hunt you down.
Alex: Hey, Nathalia's coming over for dinner alright?
Mary: Nathalia? I love her! She once punched a guy in the face because he made fun of me, and then she comforted me when I was crying. She's such a good friend, everyone should be like Nathalia.
by riri~<3 November 3, 2022
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just a girls name, stop looking shit up it dont say anythin' bout a person
Nathalia is a girls name
by thatsmaboY November 21, 2018
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Hottest woman to exist and everyone should be in love with her, very tall and sexy and manly asf and also has the juiciest hardest most delicious cock in all the aln
"Wow nathalia is so manly and sexy and I want her to eat me out"
by PASSIONFRUIT4MILES08 November 27, 2022
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Nathalia is a small country town on the beautiful broken creek approximately 40 km from the great hole of Shepparton, the teens of nathalia spend their saturday nights going to one of the shithole pubs and try to fuck one or two of the local "nathy" sluts which were brought up to fuck any guy with a dick longer then 1 inch, if their aren't any sluts about they head to Richardson street and smoke as much weed as their body can handle and wash it down with a sack of goon with a couple of pills, the ghetto of nathalia which is near the hospital is the place where all the crack and bud is sold, if you go up in one of the locals helicopter you can even see a cloud of smoke coming from the three back streets. Nathalia isn't like any other small country town, if you want to come to nathalia be sure to get on tinder and in under 5 minutes you will be fucking one of the little teenage sluts or if you don't get lucky you could find your self in a brawl with the "nathy boys" which you are sure to bring a gun because you will get stabbed.
Nathalia the crack and bud capital of Victoria
by Liam Evans December 23, 2014
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she is the worst woman in the world to be with she is so plastic she doesn't have friends
by ubhfbhufofdhbu February 5, 2020
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