Nagito Komaeda is a handsome man who like hope, hajime Hinata, and for some reason reminds me of Osamu Dazai, the more you think about it, the more you can kinda see it. Oh well, its seems that there are lots of fan fiction about him, Oh god, there lots of lemons! How can i say no to that. He is from the game/anime danganronpa. He is still alive and i dont know about well. I mea, thats what it says on the danganronpa wiki.
by yourfriendlypansexual November 16, 2020
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nagito komaeda. i will protect nagito komaeda. i will FIGHT you for nagito komaeda. you will not hurt nagito komaeda. you see, there are some things in life worth protecting, some things worth living for, some things worth dying for. nagito komaeda can warm the iciest of hearts, get rid of the darkest of evils, and win the mightiest of wars. nagito komaeda will be the person that pulls us from the inner depths of dispair, and lead us to the path of south asia. WARS will be fought, PEOPLE will be saved, and CIVILIZATIONS will prosper because of nagito komaeda, so from this day forward, i suddenly SWEAR to shield nagito komaeda from all harm that may come to him, all dangers that may possibly face, AND GIVE MY LIFE FOR IT!
who’s our holy savior?

nagito komaeda.
by nagitosultimatewhore February 16, 2021
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alright so let me just get to the point.
- gay as hell
- obsessed with hope
- gets hard about hope
- wants hope "inside" him
- hope
- Izuru is hot.
- kinky.
Nagito Komaeda
by someoneyoudontknowtotally October 6, 2021
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gay hope man

everyone hates but loves him at the same time for some reason
nagito komaeda is our god and nobody can change my mind
by tetrislovr11037 August 13, 2021
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