2 definitions by yourfriendlypansexual

Nagito Komaeda is a handsome man who like hope, hajime Hinata, and for some reason reminds me of Osamu Dazai, the more you think about it, the more you can kinda see it. Oh well, its seems that there are lots of fan fiction about him, Oh god, there lots of lemons! How can i say no to that. He is from the game/anime danganronpa. He is still alive and i dont know about well. I mea, thats what it says on the danganronpa wiki.
by yourfriendlypansexual November 16, 2020
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A Hope Bagel is a no ordinary bagel, it has been touched wholesomely by thy Nagito Komaeda aka " big hope daddy ".After every 69 years, A hope bagel is born by its maker, Nagito Komaeda.It is made by getting Hajime's limbs and blending them with " the big hope " and is poured into a fine bagel batter, then its is baked at 711 degrees.And boom, a none like any other, Hope Bagel.
person A: Look, its thy Hope bagel, mother! Person B: why are you this way.
by yourfriendlypansexual November 16, 2020
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