A nickname you give someone with unusually white skin, referring to a mozzarella stick.
"Yo, what's good Mozzy!"
by Jade Dragon19 October 11, 2016
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this bitch gave me crazy mozzie last night
by yoockyyyy November 28, 2021
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these flaming mozzies are sucking me blood dry bazza
by brad September 20, 2003
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(Mosquitos) AKA Blood suckin bitches that inhabit Aust.
MUM: "Crikey! Look at all these bloody mozzies!! SHAZ GRAB THE AEROGUARD!" *slaps arms*
SHAZ: "Alright Mum"
by drmeme December 28, 2016
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1. Australian slang for mosquitoes

2.An Australian Counter-Terrorism Operator in the game Rainbow Six Siege

2.”Watch out there’s a Mozzie peeking that corner.”
by BruhMoment69420933933 June 9, 2020
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Hone: Hey cuz, where you living these days?
Hemi: Across the ditch bro, in Ozzie.
Hone: Aw eh? So you a Mozzie now?
Hemi: Yeah bro! There's heaps of us Mozzies in Oz eh.
Mozzie! Mozzie! Mozzie! Moe! Moe! Moe!
by mzmozzie September 2, 2009
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