As soon as Pablo started dancing, he began to moisten the cotton all around the room.
by Kim's Love June 8, 2007
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When you get head and the girls sucking on your nuts but her parents come home so you pull your pants up real quick wit your balls still wet.
"oh shit my parents are gonna see your moistened frogeyes."
by 92490sw May 17, 2019
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Rather sexist English slang word for woman.
Look, if I were to go around saying I were an emperor just because some moisten bint lobbed a scimater at me, they'd put me away.
by smooveb98 June 27, 2011
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Eye drops help your eyes become moist and makes them nice and smooth for looking at things. They prevent your eyes from itching and scratching, because of the lack of moist.
oil is to a squeaky door as eyeball moistener is to eyes
by whatspoppin008 March 10, 2022
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Something that makes other thing moistened
I used my moistenator on her so it wouldn’t be a dry start
by Walstur April 17, 2020
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