The challenge of finding a person who you dislike to such an extent that you believe they deserve to be gotten legless drunk, picked up, taken back to their house fuck the absolute shit out of them in the dirtiest way possible and when they fall asleep, take a shit on their chest, wipe your ass with their curtains, take a photo and escape the scene of the crime before the person wakes up.
Johnnie did the mission impossible to that girl he hates and got away with it, she had no idea what happened in the morning since she was that drunk the night before, I cant believe it!
by steady10 September 6, 2012
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a codename for a homosexual obsession with tom cruise, usually originating in boys named pete. who think they are fucking awesome.
"man my mission impossible is really acting up today."
"yeah i know, i saw the stains."
by joel June 23, 2004
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The Mission Impossible Teabag is an extension of the practical joke to Teabag someone: To insert one's nuts into the mouth of another (of either gender), usually while they are sleeping. Can either be a situation of laughter or of excruciating pain, depending on whether the victim is a biter. To be a Mission Impossible Teabag one must be suspended in the air above the victim. The star position works well, but if required, a tuck and ball position may be used if mates are used to support your body over the victim.
Jess was wondering what the new pulley system and rock climbing rope/harness attached to the ceiling was for, but she later found out when she saw the pictures posted all over the internet at under this weeks Mission Impossible Teabag

Mel was so tired from work she didn't even make it to bed and just crashed out on the couch. So as boys do, with trusty friends there to hold his arms, Geoff was lowered over to do the deed and performed another successful Mission Impossible Teabag
by AJ_Phlare October 7, 2010
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A San Jose type of activity that involves 2 or more bored af individuals that have absolutely nothing to do and nowhere to go but decide to walk or drive hella miles round-trip for no particular reason at all, but thinking, Hell with it, maybe something could pop off.
Every time people end up in jail it's always because of some impossible mission people get sent on where people want to pretend to be chasing them.
by Adub408 July 13, 2023
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a force of elite warriors that are unknown by anyone accross the globe that take on the toughest missions that are called impossible, but the IMF proves them possible
sgt. sandman of the impossible missions force went on a mission to atlantis to destroy the enemy
by phiosopher January 14, 2012
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The act of squeezing out a turd while simultaneously flushing so the turd goes straight into the center of the toilet hurricane. Timing has to be perfect to the exact millisecond
Dude, I just sent that poop like mission impossible.
by YeetSkirtSkeet1738 March 25, 2023
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To Tell Your Friend To Look At Something Then Quickly Ejaculate On There Back In A Public Area.
Oh shit man sams wearing the shirt that I did a mission impossible on Hopefully he doesn’t find out.
by RxE454 August 1, 2023
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