To dodge bullets while the camera spins around 360 degrees and with a major slow-down of time.
Whoa, Neo just pulled a Max Payne!
by Detranova July 29, 2003
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A) A video game character circa 1999-2004 who goes through many changes between his 2 video games, Through these games he can dodge bullets because of something called bullet time, to put it his way "When your staring down the barrel of a gun time seems to slow down"
B)slang for an outrageous killing of someone
A) Oh, shit its Max Payne, we're all going to die....
B) DUDE! He just Max Payne'd him with akimbo berettas!
by Kilroy Higgins February 29, 2004
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A person who remains unscathed after holding an exploding grenade, throwing molotov cocktails, and getting shot at close range with Berettas, Mac-11s, shotguns, and MP5s.
Max Payne dove out of the skyscraper, but he survived because he had 8 painkillers on him.
by Elgeoharris February 23, 2004
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Guy 1 - I just invited this female I’m talkin to over
Guy 2 - She Max Payne Thousand?
Guy 1 - Eh She Ight 😭
by therealthuggaGMoney October 30, 2021
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To go for several weeks on very little sleep, often becoming very depressed in the process, ala Max Payne.

May be the result of a long, strenuous project at work or school.

"Jesus Bob, you look like shit."
"Yeah, I've been Max Payne-ing it hard the last couple weeks."
by finnishhax April 2, 2009
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Developed by Remedy. Published by Rockstar. One of the greatest games one could play. Art in motion.
If Jesus were re-incarnated he'd be Max Payne 2. Or Super Mario Bros. 3.......
by Funnyboy December 12, 2003
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A term used to describe a depressing, lackluster bar where middle aged depressed men come to drink away their sorrows.

You know these bars by the instant feeling of depression you get when you walk in the door and see two middle aged men sitting at opposite ends of the bar drink a beer in silence.

A bar with patrons who are alone and look depressed, as if their entire family was murdered, just like the video game max Payne.
"Lets hit up that bar around the block today"
"Nah man it's a max Payne bar, I feel like cutting myself every time we go there"
by SteveFkdU February 6, 2014
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