pronounced ma-nipple-ate; manipulating someone by fiercely holding onto their nipples until they do what you want and sometimes more.
She wouldn't do my homework so I manippleated her for thirty minutes until she even offered to blow me.
by manippleate January 16, 2015
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When a heavier-set man's nipples show through his shirt. Like when it is cold and his shirt is too thin for his shaplier-than-normal breasts. Can also be used in replace of a curse word.
"Dude, look at that guy's manipples, they are the size of dinner plates!"

"That guy cut me off! What the MANIPPLES is he thinking!"
by Warrior against MANIPPLES November 6, 2009
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To interact with someone in a way that hardens their nipples; to manipulate one's nipples
by Aberdeen800 December 25, 2016
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