Very athletic, but will dress up when she needs too. She is a very pretty girl, and many boys fall for her. Her family and friends are very important to her, but also cares about her work. She has many guy friends, and cares for all of them, but there is one that catches her eye. Makenna is one of the most awesome person you will ever meet. She always makes you laugh no matter what the case could be.
Makenna is one of the most awesome person you will ever meet.
by Thrushey December 16, 2016
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Makenna is a nice beautiful woman who should be able to be who she wants and not have to worry about what other people think of her
“Wow look at her that must be a makenna
by Alexia Badillo February 27, 2019
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someone that is very happy.Someone who surrounds themself with people that are depressed while they are depressed makenna well stay strong no matter what.
Makenna is a strong person who well never let anyone get in her way on what she wants to achieve.
by thatnicefriend0202020202 February 27, 2017
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A perfect person alway happy. Really pretty like really pretty.kind a warm hearted person. She is the best girlfriend anyone could have. She is a good friend. She is not normal, she is extraordinarily. Everyone loves her. (Even me) she can make a friend in one snap.
I LOVE MAKENNA. Makenna is a great girlfriend and person.
by Makenna/love ya November 21, 2017
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Brown eyed, brown haired girl who is amazing. Is shy if you don't know her but when you do she is totally outgoing. Very smart, nice funny, and beautiful. She is a total flirt if you like her back, and she is a lot deeper than expected. Makenna's will love you for you.
Whoa who is that cutie?

Ohh thats makenna, isn't she gorgeous


You should really get to know her

Oh trust me I will
by Thegreatouija February 4, 2012
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Wonderful, nice, athletic, pretty, crazy, talented. She is fun to be around. She makes friends easily and brightens the rooms with a smile. She is a charming tall being. She stands out in a crowd and lover to be a fun crazy. She was many friends both girl and boy. She makes everyone she talks to happy. She has fire red hair and beautiful big brown eyes. She is
Wow Makenna is so beautiful and awesome I'm asking her out right now
by Makenna May 26, 2015
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A majorly independent girl. She is acedemically skilled, more so in language art skills. She is a reader. She will have 5 books that she is reading at one time. She is anxiety prone and won't talk to anyone that wont talk to her. Makennas tend to be short and curvy. They have nice hour glass figures, often not see at first glance. Their freinds mean the wofld fo them and they value friendship more than family. They tend to have rocky at home lives, but wont show you their pain, unless they can trust you. When it comes to crushes, Makennas tend to stay loyal and faithful to one person. They often feel unloved by others. Their friends may often be taken, but makenna will be worthwhile when finally asked on a date.
Makenna is something else.
by Namd October 27, 2016
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