pronces : /slʌt/
noun: slut; plural noun: sluts

a woman who has many casual sexual partners.

synonymous : sperm rag, hoe, stupid girl, courtney love, niky minaj, miley cyrus, madona....
her parents busted their asses so that she could go to college, have her degree , be a respectable lady that younger girls could look up to
... yet she complete Kylie Minogue'd her live and became sperm rag nr 4625672575675447567
by wha_ever August 16, 2019
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When a global music superstar inexplicably struggles in the U.S. market.
“I’ll never understand why Anastacia was not big in the United States. Guess she fell victim to the Kylie Minogue Syndrome.”
by TK2000 October 29, 2023
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A Japanese slang term for American battle hardened, emotionally scarred female military with a blunt sense of realism, quiet personality, loud fashion sense and often small of stature but deceptively muscular. Accidentally comes off as intimidating without trying.

Gives off a "dont make me embarrass or hurt you vibe."
Kylie Minogue is Australian but it doesn't matter.
Don't screw with Staff Sergeant over there, she's a "Kylie Minogue American"
by VanDammeAmerican March 20, 2023
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National Kylie Minogue Day is on Oct 5th, when we celebrate the one and only Goddess, and we worship and praise all her work, by listening to lots of her songs. This is a national holiday but unfortunately it’s not approved by the government but we continue to celebrate the beautiful Australian throughout the day at work or school. Ways to celebrate include; parties, masturbation and dancing!! Enjoy ;))
Uncle Steve the Sugardaddy: “Ahh I can’t wait to pop one off on National Kylie Minogue Day”

Little Steve: “You dirty pedo!”
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