You such a Kon.
by N2k May 14, 2003
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Didn't you get hit by a Kon Kon too?
by kuro11 September 27, 2006
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This is usually said by homosexual men to declare that they sleep with men and animals on a daily basis
by Dicklesmith Satan March 6, 2018
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Someone who portrays themseleves as some what of a kon or tries to gain from other people through clever ideologies.
Mike, i want my money back!! It been weeks and you keep making up excuses. Dont be A-kon!!
by Michael Mangwiro August 19, 2007
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Hey that's me.
by KonIsGreat August 29, 2003
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Verb: To masturbate while on alcohol and or ecstacy.
Hey mate, you drank all my beer you shouldn't Kon so much.
by M&Mdma December 17, 2011
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