bull shitting people so much to the extent they no longer care or listen to what you say to them. named from mr wright who talks shit excessively.

also he is bummed by Saggy Beacham in english much to the annoyance of everyone else
on a daily basis.

he also elaborates everything possible for instance his poor gran who broke her leg when actualy she didnt and his metal rib which he claims is now made of carbon fibre!
example 1. kestering at its best

kester: hey i have a metal rib from that snowboarding accident i had.

me: whoa serious. that must hurt

kester: yea it did but its okay now. its really annoying though it always sets off metal detectors at airports

me: shit that must be really annoying. can i see the scar?

kester: uh well there isnt one anymore

me: wtf there should be they gave you a metal rib

kester: *fuck*

example 2.

kester: my rib isnt made of metal its carbon fibre

random: yea sure it breaks ya tit

kester: *oh fuck*

by cunty mc jewbag March 5, 2008
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A term used to denote signs of depression and complete hatred for sports;Volleyball and recreational Volleyball
Gabriel:”Hey,are you going for the friendly tomorrow?”
Chester:”Nah fam,I got kester’s balls
by Crayson February 8, 2019
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A complex task that no one wants to do and is often forced on someone to complete, especially in a work environment. Often unnecessary, it is one person's duty left for another for to execute without benefit. Sometimes, a temporary "quick-fix" built to break down and eventually become someone else's problem.
My co-worker is always leaving all his kester-bridges for me to cross when he's not on schedule.

I feel bad for whoever is working monday. I built them a ton of kester-bridges to cross for me over the weekend.
by TheKurbinator October 5, 2013
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A phrase to exclaim the loss of motivation for any school work.

Jon : " Yo Alan, did you complete the design and technology homework?"
Alan : " No bro, I got Kester's Tits"
by Slayyer0888 April 9, 2019
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