It can be used as a verb, or adjective. Keshav is a type of dance which is the verb form. The adjective definition can mean swagger, cool, awesome, etc.
Im doin the keshav.

Yo, you got ur keshav on!
by SuperIndian December 26, 2011
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Keshav was a very tall and skinny kid, and although he was quite lanky, he was very graceful in his movements. He was also known to be very fruity, as he loved to eat all sorts of fruits and was always looking for new and exciting varieties to try.

One day, as he was walking to school, he saw a girl he had a crush on. Her name was Priya and she was new to the school. Keshav had never spoken to her before, but he had always admired her from afar. As he approached her, he felt his nerves starting to get the better of him.

Just as he was about to talk to her, he fumbled the bag he was carrying, and all the fruits he had bought for his lunch spilled out onto the ground. Priya looked at him, surprised, and then bent down to help him pick up the fallen fruits.

Keshav felt embarrassed and worried that she would think less of him, but she just smiled and said "You must really like fruits."
Keshav was relieved and he stammered to reply "Y-yes, I do. I love trying new varieties."
Priya smiled and they talked about the different types of fruits they liked.

From that day forward, Keshav and Priya were friends, and they bonded over their shared love of fruits. They would often share snacks during lunch and talk about the different fruits they had tried recently. Keshav was overjoyed that he had finally found someone who shared his interests, and he knew that he would always remember the day he fumbled the bag and met Priya.
"can a kiwi please report to the front office"

teacher "keshav that's you"
by t3amr0cket January 11, 2023
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People with this name are very good at games and the best at fortnite. They get a lot of girls and are very handsome
keshav gets a lot of girls
by Your mom........... November 22, 2021
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The hairstyle named after its creator which won the 'Summer Hairstyles' competition in Facebook.
Dude 1: "Hey nice haircut, what do you call that?"
Dude 2: "It's called a Keshave"
by Da bee August 26, 2009
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sp.kaye-shove n,vb.
a thicket of unshaved hair found under ones neck.

In rare cases, one also finds a clean patch in shapes(eg, square)
YO, LOOK AT HIM!!! , he has a 'KESHAV' !

person1 to person2:LOL, look at his keshav, it has shapes !
person with keshav: THERE IS NO SQUARE THERE !

gay1:AAH! i'm feeling his keshav, its so hairy!
by mofofisto December 16, 2011
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Keshav is our daddy, he also has kids in his beds.
Ayyo, why you acting like Daddy Keshav today?
by Daddy Keshav's follower September 8, 2021
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