A very impotent person, with a small penis and are very annoying sometimes.

He have a penile disfunction
Beate: Ohh you've been with Kalle?

Osman: No, he's penis didn't work...
by Kalleslayer123 August 23, 2022
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A dutch insult that can only be used on women. Is normally used whenever someone does something stupid. Similar insults are "dwoazen", "achterlijke mutton" and "möttigen Danny".
Godverdomme we zitten weer met een Franse kalle in ons team!
by dwoazen appel November 11, 2020
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An individual who usually lacks insight, motivation and I.Q.. Although they usually are docile london cigarettes, accumulating a very curious hatred towards them for their nature of helplessly being rusty trombones giving dutch bagels is almost second nature.

Coming out of the closet is one of the biggest feats most of them must achieve unless they wanna give slack-jawed blowjobs to everyone and lie about liking it for the rest of their lives. This usually ending in that, as well as a false sense of superiority.

They are hoped to be believed to be extinct. Thoughts of a strong sense of "in one ear and out the other" mentality are advisably often applied.
Guy 1: Oh god, *sigh* here comes a Kalle dude...

Guy 2: Aww fuck, just ignore it and it'll go away. Besides, if I have to hear it yap that broken record shit anymore I swear...

Guy 1: Get used to it man, it's never gonna change. It has waaay too many issues, like with that undeserved sense of accomplishment and that preschool Annie Oakley "Anything you can do, I can do better" bullshit.
by Unknown 247 February 8, 2009
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A very impotent person, with a small penis and he is an idiot...

Have a penile disfunction
Beate: Ohh you've been with Kalle?

Osman: No he's penis didn't work...
by Kalleslayer123 August 23, 2022
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Kalle, She's a wonderful loving girl. She can make your smile and laugh! Feeling down?, No worries meet my friend Kalle she can always cheer you up. Kalle always puts others before herself. She might make mistakes but that's ok at least she's learns from her mistakes. Shes the popular girl. Also she might be sweet and all but if you get on her nerves you'll be hearing from her best friend. Kalle is a great super model and a great girl. She can also make a great girl friend or friend or best friend. If you ever get a Kalle in your life you better cherish her. If you ever get a girlfriend named Kalle you better treat her right, because she's the best person you will ever know.
Person: omg did you see Kalle today?! She is so rude but so pretty. But she hit me!
Me: Bitch Kalle's is my fucking best friend. Also I know that she would never hurt anyone,Unless they get on her nerves. So if she did hit you then your probably deserved it.

by XxBoba_BearxX March 12, 2022
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He is pretty awesome. He has your mom on a pizza...always. He is high as The sky and low like yo moma. Did I mention he's awesome?
Son: "I can't find My mom?"
Dad: Kalle maybe **** *** and **** ****"
Son: "....."
by Jrpsve December 12, 2016
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Kalle means “ a man With a big Penis 26 inches”

When someone see a man with a big peen they say: ohh you almost like Kalle!!!
by Yourmomakagandhi June 3, 2020
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