The awesomest person in the world.
Everybody wants to be just like her.
The Kali walked in and everybody stared at her, how could anybody be so awesome and act so normal? She was the best person in the room and nobody tried to deny it.
by Christie119 November 29, 2011
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An amazing person who is beautiful inside and out. Is a great friend and is very funny! She underestimates herself. If you tell her she is pretty she will deny it. She can make friends with about anyone!
by Dakotasummer June 26, 2011
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She is a a beautiful girl, who may occur to some as preppy, but isn't she is simply an average person whom others are envious of because of her devotion, athletic ability, wisdom, friends, popularity, and beauty. Almost every guy is head over heels for her, because of her personality. She is definitely one of the more popular kids and appears to be the heart of her group. Kalie is a unique person unlike any other, and if you meet you become friends with her you should keep her close.
I think I'm falling for that girl she's suck a Kalie.
by Bruhdontplay July 26, 2014
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An awesome cool chick that everyone loves to be around.You will never stop being her friend! when you get into arguments with her things are still a ok!
girl #1-hey that dude is beating up that girl!
girl #2-that isnt a dude that is Kalie!
by Carleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee February 5, 2012
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pretty girl! super nice to be around. mmost people loves her. she falls for the good guy mostly
dude. im jealous of that kaly!
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1. A really amazing girl who everyone looks up to. She's gorgeous but people don't love her for her looks. She stands up for what is right and wont tolerate stupidity or obnoxiousness from anyone. She does her best to help people when they need it, but has no sympathy for people who ignored her original advice and got into trouble. She is a down-to-earth chick with a fun, caring personality. (Generally does what makes her happy.)
She totally just pulled a Kali, she doesn't take any shit!

Woah, i wish i was Kali. She can do whatever she wants and people still love her!
by XXDANCERXX <-hotness December 6, 2010
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A short girl with hair so brown it's almost black, cute face, long legs, sexy body, and a walk that would make a gay man straight. Hangs out with people who can make her laugh, and is naive, but still incredibly smart. Typically doesn't know the effect she has on her guy friends. One of the greatest friends you will ever have.
DAMN, I think I'm in love with her!
Dude, that's Kali.
Oh. That explains it.
by KaliGurl425 June 5, 2014
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