When you put your balls in a girls mouth and make her say "Brett Farve" and "BOOM! Tough Actin Tanactin".
by G-Rad December 27, 2007
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A fat fuck who is talks incoherantly about football because he is busy stuffing his face with a 8 legged mutant turkey. Looks like a manatee.
boy look at john madden stuff his face
by Paul February 2, 2005
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A measurement of how mad someone is.
1) From one to John Madden, how mad are you?
2) Steven is so John Madden right now, don't even talk to him.
by Blarghff November 27, 2013
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Football is his life. He is the most american man there will ever be, and you should not disrespect the man. He is football, and football is him.

And he does not jump on team bandwagons, it's his job to love every team.
"Football is my Life. I don't know what I would do without it"
- John Madden
by I hate Ignorant people July 30, 2006
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Boy : Hello John Madden
John Madden : FOOTBALL!!! *while waves hands in face*
by Doom November 28, 2003
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A fatass who just so happens to be thee symbol of american football. ^_^ rumor has it that he is black.
-John Madden

"Why do you think black people are so popular? It's because of John Madden. John Madden is black!"
-my older brother; something in that context
by Dave March 30, 2004
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