A man of high intelligence. Lone terrorist of Indian decent.
My name is Jafar, I come from Afar, I have a bomb in my car.
by Chucky524 January 26, 2017
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A slang term for someone of Middle-Eastern decent ,brown skinned, and occasionally wearing a sultan hat or turban. Similar to the term Aladdin but more derogatory. Jafars have been known to smell like curry, work at 7 11s, sporting gold chains and in some instances ninja attire . Most Jafars reside in Brampton (aka Bramladesh) where they carry on their family tradition of living in squatter housing units harboring fifty plus relatives, making carpets, charming snakes and rubbing lamps.
Example 1: "If I can't wish someone 'Merry Christmas' then there is no way that a Jafar should wear a turban."
Example 2: "Man I really hate those Jafars."
Example 3: Man1: "What the hell is that guy wearing?" .. Man2: "I have no idea but god is that Jafar smelly!"
Example 4: Wife: "This new carpet I bought kinda smells like curry." .. Husband: "You must have bought it from a Jafar!"
Example 5: "Did you see how many Jafars moved in next door!"
Example 6: Daughter: "My friend Debesh wants to come over." .. Mother: "I don't want you making friends with Jafars."
by DirtShwaz June 2, 2011
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A vaporizing pipe used everyday. Called Jafar because it makes you feel like a geenie.
Dude, lets hit Jafar, get some Jack in the Box, and play some COD...and possibly body surfing.
by sohigh05 April 2, 2009
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somebody from very very (jafar) far way! often referred to as a person from India or the middle east.
The stinking Jafar's in front of us smell like nasty curry sauce!
by spoolinem2 July 28, 2011
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A term used for a male of Arabian decent. As well as one whose last name is Zafar...hence the rhyme induced. Jafar is originally the name of the Saltins Royal Bressierre from Aladdin who ultimately wished himself a Genie. Extremely racist term...but good for the laugh.
Also used to describe someone with a tendency to blow shit up.
See also: terrorist
1.When you blow the school up, make sure I'm not in it Jafar.
2.Howabout you threaten the lively hood of Agrabah again Jafar.
by Damon Don Juan June 23, 2005
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A guy who looks more attractive from farther away than up close
"I waved a guy over before realizing he wasn't that cute. Cute from afar, but Jafar from cute."
by VelveetaRabbit December 24, 2019
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A terrorist that does too much cocaine whose main goal is to take control of a “genie”.
Jafar: My name is Jafar
Jafar: I come from afar
Jafar: There’s a bomb in my car
by Toasted Banana May 19, 2020
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