When you won't kill yourself but wouldn't mind if you died.
Therapist: Are you suicidal?
Me: Inactively suicidal.
Therapist: Please elaborate.
Me: I'm not going to go shoot myself in the head, but if a car was coming toward me I don't exactly know if I would move out of the way.
by SilverWolf18 July 17, 2017
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Someone who does nothing fun... EVER. Someone who would rather hang out with his mom on a Friday night, when all his other "friends" are out clubbin' or something cool.
"Friend": Hey, wanna go clubbin with all of us cool people?!
Randy(Inaction man example): No thanks, I think I'm gonna hang out with my mother tonight... like everynight.
"Friend": Kcya
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A person you are in a relationship but you do not have sex with. Either both by choice or one no longer seeks sexual activity from the other but still considers them a partner.
Rob and Jason are in a relationship ,Jason has been an inactive partner for several years.
by Reese's Piece June 21, 2020
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Where no one is active such as a server owner
"Today's National Inactivity Day seems like no one's online"
by Project.Ricky April 27, 2020
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A New Zealand GotPvP Discord Admin named Bencey_ who feels entitled enough to not spend 1 minute on the server, whilst his Discord staff slave away for him, whilst he takes credit, in a high position.
Ever just be Inactive
by Muhamad Osa March 7, 2019
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To not be active sonewhere.

This is what I am on Ubran Dictionary. I haven't written a definition since February 2022 so I'm unactive
Person:Let me check Urban Dictionary today.

Person:Wow, I am so inactive on here. I should try writing more often..
by Awesome Bloxy April 16, 2022
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