The most amazing person in the world, who is very athletic and awesome. and he is a lot better then his friend max.
Gray: Hey

Girls: *Faint*
by hello, i am awesome April 19, 2013
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An mysterious girl who no one ever truly understands. Grays tend to be extremely social, chill, fun, funny, cool, and smart! People with the name Gray are always beautiful on the inside and even hotter on the outside! Grays are adventurous and spontaneous and just simply awesome! Grays might be sweet but they take crap from no one. So watch out! But if you do ever find yourself lucky enough to find a Gray...Keep them around because they will make your life a million times better.
OMG IS THAT GIRLS NAME GRAY!?! I gotta have her!
by Stargirl2017 December 24, 2016
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A shade of white darkened by black. Also the coolest persons name. She loves grey goose.
gray goose got me loose, and I killed joeys moose cuz it went on the loose with a bottle of booze. Kicked him in the nuts and he said "what the deuce?!?" so I grabbed his face, opened his eyes and poured down some poisonous juice
by Mike Do Double G February 25, 2010
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A massive twat that studies at Qegs penrith, has the brain capacity of a polar bear, and is hated by all of his fellow students.
A student called will gray
by duwffhshsk November 14, 2013
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The grays have been observed arriving from the mother ship.
by StarryGordon June 13, 2016
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One of, if not the worst town in Essex. Not so much that its rough, but more god damn boring. Dull cheap shops, there is a Greggs though. Population of a fair few chavs. If you like your days filled with nothing, on top of doing more nothing alongside doing fuck all, this is the town for you.
by iambored July 4, 2013
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(adjective) White, Caucasian, European as in 'gray cat' (White person). (Mid-20th-century Black hip slang; usually somewhat derogatory.)
'I never thought I'd see a gray cat in this place.'
by anarcissie March 21, 2013
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